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Saturday, December 31, 2011

What's a HOT SPOT and What Should I know about it?

You probably already know what "Wi-Fi" means: it means being able to access the internet wirelessly from your laptop, handheld, netbook, phone or desktop. When you create a wi-fi network at home or at work, it is secured so that only those with the access code can use it. 

But, you may have seen signs at your neighborhood coffee shop, McDonalds, or public library saying FREE WI-FI HERE, or WI FI HOTSPOT.

This means that the company is providing users with free, though not secure, access to the internet through their wireless network. Typically, it's as easy as finding the network and clicking.

Free hotspots are open to all, including to hackers and others who hope to steal your data. So, use wisdom when you use a hotspot:

1. Don't do banking or other things that involve sending personal information (codes, passwords etc) across the network. It is very easy for a hacker to grab those.

2. Be sure you are actually logged on to the correct network. In airports, especially, you may see several free options. Some of those are legitimate; some could be the guy or gal sitting next to you with a laptop who is waiting for an unsuspecting user to enter personal data into their "fake" hotspot.

Here is an article with Ten Tips for Public Wi Fi Hotspot Security. http://tinyurl.com/75oqugk  This will help you benefit from their convenience without risking your personal security.

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