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Irregularly posted tips, gleaned from all over the internet, for beginning and medium level computer and technology users. Feel free to subscribe to get these by email if you wish (below, right). Or,come to this site anytime. We update it about twice a month with new tips and links.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Who are the "bad guys" anyway?

Worms? Trojans horses? Viruses? Key Loggers? Huh?

I call them, collectively, "Bad Guys," but then, that's just the term I started using when teaching a group of elderly nuns how to stay safer on the internet.

Here's a succinct description of all sorts of "bad guys" that seem to be lurking everywhere, waiting for us to do something so they can invade!


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Do you dance the two-step (authentication)?

Two-step authentication is a way to help secure certain types of account so that, even if someone does steal (or guess!) your password, they STILL can't get in.

Two-step authentication (also called "two-factor verification") adds a second, additional layer of security so that, when you log in to an account (an email account, bank account, etc.), you prove TWICE that you are really you.

Here's a good article on it:

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Don't get tricked! Ad "injection" and how to stay safe on the internet

Last week, a friend downloaded a free game from a website. And, then, she noticed that her browser started behaving weirdly, including serving up some advertising she'd never seen before.

 Yup, turns out she had an infestation of malware, software that can infest your computer and take over your browser, or worse!

How does malware like this get on your computer?

This article, on a Microsoft blog, explains about "ad injection" and how malware gets on your machine. It also describes how to prevent this.

It was worth a look!
