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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Our neighbor's house got burglarized....

..and electronics (tvs, tablets, computers) were the main things stolen.

This certainly raised our awareness of how tempting these daily-used pieces of hardware are!

Think about it-

What can people walking by see of your electronics each evening as they go by?

If someone came in a window... how many TVs, cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc. would they be able to "grab and go" within about 90 seconds of entry?

And, worse yet... how much time are YOU willing to spend following up on all the passwords you will need to change, all the accounts that will be vulnerable, and all the software and programs you'll need to reinstall on your replacement hardware?

Are those 9,000 digital pictures of your newest grandchildren ever replaceable? You know...the ones stored on the hard drive of the desktop computer they took?


Here are some specific and timely tips:


Obviously, these apply to offices as well as homes. This article focuses on desktop machines, but the concepts apply to any electronic item.

And, don't think your large screen TV is too big to steal either. Our neighbors lost two. I suspect two strong people could carry one off in a matter of moments...

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