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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

This is (of course!) a fictional story....

I got a call on my cell phone the other night. The caller said that they wanted me to call a toll free number in order to register my cell phone for a "no call list" so that I would not be bothered by calls from telemarketers. The caller gave me an 888 number.

Should I call it?

Well... this could be legit..  but it probably is not. Here's why:

1. If someone calls or emails YOU "out of the blue" and you did not request that info, and they send you to a website or phone number to share your personal information (name, phone number, address, etc.)... they are doing what is called  "phishing"- trying to get you to innocently provide information they can then use to do something nefarious (like, steal your ID...).

2. Sometimes they will say "well, to prove I am legitimate, here, you can call my boss...."  What they don't tell you is that their "boss" is in on the scam.

What should you do?

Be astute.

  • If someone solicits YOU for ANY reason, fishing for personal information, consider it a likely scam.
  • If they offer you a web site, email, or phone number to contact to "prove" they are legitimate, consider it part of a likely scam.
  • If you think you really DO maybe want or need the service they are offering, get the name of their company. Check with the Better Business Bureau. Determine if the company or organization is legitimate and then CALL THAT NUMBER (not the one the caller gave you) and say "I received a call from so-and-so saying he was from your organization. It was an unsolicited call. Was it legitimate?"
Now- to the issue of "DO NOT CALL" lists. 

Yes, there are "DNC" lists. They are both STATE LEVEL and NATIONAL.
  • To find your legitimate DNC list and register your home or cell phone, simply google "YOUR STATE do not call list" and you will be able to sign up very easily online. In Wisconsin, it is https://nocall.wisconsin.gov
Interestingly, look at what is posted in red on the website of the National Do No Call list:

Scammers have been making phone calls claiming to represent the National Do Not Call Registry. The calls claim to provide an opportunity to sign up for the Registry. These calls are not coming from the Registry or the Federal Trade Commission, and you should not respond to these calls. To add your number to the Registry you can call 888-382-1222 from the phone you wish to register, or go click on “Register a Phone Number” in the left column of this page.

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