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Monday, June 3, 2013

Be Productive...

I know... it sounds like something someone's grandmother (or fifth grade teacher!) would say. But, in a time when we constantly are asked to do more in less time, or produce more output with fewer hours to do so... it probably pays to consider leveraging our technology to help!

Here are three links to "productivity apps", submitted by a reader of our blog.

Some of the apps ("apps" is short for "applications"- the programs you run on a computer or, in some cases, a smart phone or tablet computer) are for Android phones or tablets. Some are for iPhones or iPads. Some are for your desktop or laptop computers.

If nothing else, browsing these made me feel like I was in the company of millions who also struggle to get everything accomplished on time!

Ten "Must have" productivity apps:

Eleven Time Management and Productivity Apps for Android

Fifty Apps that can make you more productive

Too many options? Don't worry... over the next couple of months, I will highlight some of my faves from this list...and will try out some new ones and let you know how they worked out.

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