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Monday, February 3, 2014

Free Alternatives to Expensive Word?

I recently got a new laptop. I decided I'd try using a free alternative to the very expensive Microsoft Office Suite that has been "industry standard" for some long time!

Right now, I am trialing:

Google Docs: This is a Google product, so you need to have a google or gmail account. It's part of a suite that includes spreadsheets, wordprocessor, presentation software): seems like plenty of space and features, and I can save a document as a Word document after creating it in Google Docs, so I can then send it to anyone.

OpenOffice: This is "opensource" software and has a license to be used for free. Very robust. And I can open /save Microsoft Word docs with no problem so far.

LibreOffice: This is sort of like OpenOffice. I think. Because I couldn't really tell, as I could not get it to download and install on my Win 8.0 laptop at all. Well, I could download the .msi file, but after three tries at installing, I gave up.

Here's a link from an article on Digital Trends with more information on these and a few others:


1 comment:

  1. I would like to say that Google even offer free storage of 10GB aswell.


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