I collected these from a variety of places... why not try one today?
Save Wikipedia Articles for reading on your Kindle
You can compile one or more
Wikipedia stories into a PDF ebook and send it as as attachment to your
@free.kindle.com email address. Amazon will convert the PDF into an AZW file and deliver it to your Kindle.
Send Web Articles to your Kindle
The Kindle is perfect for enjoying long form web content and there are several tools that let you easily push news stories and blog posts from the web browser to your Kindle reader wirelessly.
My favorite add-on in this category is
Readability available for Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari. You click a button in the browser and the current page is instantly sent to your Kindle. They also offer
bookmarklets for mobile devices (like the iPad) that don’t support add-ons.
Send Office Documents to your Kindle
Other than web pages, you can also send Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, Text files, images, HTML web pages and even Adobe PDFs to your Kindle for offline reading.
Open your
Manage Kindle page and under
Personal Document Settings, you’ll find a unique e-mail address assigned by Amazon to your Kindle reader – any documents sent to this email address are automatically delivered to your Kindle.
You can either use your existing email program to send documents to your Kindle or Amazon offers a
Send to Kindle utility (PC and Mac) that will let you send documents from the computer to your Kindle with a right-click. It install as a virtual printer so you can send documents from just about any application that supports the print command.
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