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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Make your own e-book?

Well, sort of. This makes a personalized "e-book" from one or more articles in Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia. I did it the last time I had to travel and needed something about my current topic(s) of interest.

http://www.labnol.org/internet/create-wikipedia-ebooks/25491/  This tells you how to make the ebook.

You can create a PDF file (free) and download it to your computer.

Or, if you don't want an e-book, but rather a soft-bound or hard bound compilation on good ol' paper..yes, a real book!... you can pay to have a bound paper book printed.

My 200 page PDF would have made a nice 405 page bound book which would have cost me $24.15 (paper) and another $7.10 would have made it into a hardbound book. Nifty!

Of course, I like free...so I have only used the PDF option. It creates a really nifty, click-able table of contents, too!

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